Airfield Rules & Procedures ( See Local Area Procedures photo below )
Pilots must conduct flight operations at the LMAC airfield in accordance with all safety rules, procedures and guidelines established by LMAC, LFUCG, AMA and FAA of which a few are highlighted below.
1. Federal Aviation Administration
FAA Advisory Circular 91-57A , Model Aircraft Operating Standards,
dated September 2, 2015 Click here to read entire document
This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance to persons operating Unmanned Aircraft (UA) for hobby or recreation purposes meeting the statutory definition of “model aircraft” contained in Section 336 of Public Law 112-95, the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012.
(1) The aircraft is flown strictly for hobby or recreational use
(2) The aircraft operates in accordance with a community-based set of safety guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization (CBO)
(3) The aircraft is limited to not more than 55 pounds, unless otherwise certified through a design, construction, inspection, flight test, and operational safety program administered by a CBO
(4) The aircraft operates in a manner that does not interfere with, and gives way to, any manned aircraft
(5) When flown within 5 miles of an airport, the operator of the model aircraft provides the airport operator or the airport air traffic control tower (when an air traffic facility is located at the airport) with prior notice of the operation. Model aircraft operators flying from a permanent location within 5 miles of an airport should establish a mutually agreed upon operating procedure with the airport operator and the airport air traffic control tower (when an air traffic facility is located at the airport).
(6) Model aircraft operators should follow best practices including limiting operations to 400 feet above ground level (AGL).
2. Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) -- nationwide community-based organization
a. Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code, AMA document #105,
Effective January 1, 2014 Click here to read entire document
b. RC Flying Site Specifications, AMA document #706 Click here to read entire document
dated July 18, 2015 Click here to read entire document
d. Radio Controlled Model Aircraft Operation Utilizing “First Person View” Systems, AMA document #550,
dated January 12, 2014, Click here to read entire document
3. LFUCG Landfill Operation
-- Do not enter the Landfill property with out permission. Any entry upon the landfill facility in violation of the above procedures, shall be deemed a breach of the City Lease Agreement which may result in the immediate and permanent loss of the airfield to all club members.
-- If an aircraft lands on the landfill facility -- Do not jump the fence to get the aircraft. Members must get permission to go on the landfill property. If an aircraft lands or crashes on the landfill facility during landfill business hours, the club member must go ask for help from the LFUCG personnel at the landfill scale house. Kindly ask the landfill employee for help in retrieving the aircraft. If the aircraft goes down on the landfill facility at a time outside the normal landfill business hours, the club member must wait until the landfill reopens on the next business day to contact LFUCG personnel at the scale house.
-- The last person leaving the airfield property must lock the airfield gate for security purposes. The airfield gate is secured with two locks connected with a loop of chain. The Utility company will use the key type pad lock to access the airfield. It is critical that both locks are placed on the loop of chain so that either lock with open the gate.
-- No camping is permitted without pre-arranged permission from LMAC Officers and LFUCG.
-- No open fires are permitted on the property
-- No drinking is permitted on the property
-- No firearms or air weapons shall be permitted on premises
4. Lexington Model Airplane Club (LMAC) -- a community based operation under AMA charter
-- To fly at the Club Airfield, you must be a member of AMA and a member of the Lexington Model Airplane Club.
-- Membership card must be posted on the Airfield Frequency Board before you fly.
-- Non-Members must be accompanied by a club member in order to fly.
-- The last person leaving the airfield property must lock the airfield gate for security purposes. The airfield gate is secured with two locks connected with a loop of chain. The Utility company will use the key type pad lock to access the airfield. It is critical that both locks are placed on the loop of chain so that either lock with open the gate.
-- If an aircraft lands or crashes on the landfill facility -- Do not jump the fence to get the aircraft. Members must get permission to go on the landfill property. If an aircraft lands or crashes on the landfill facility during landfill business hours, the club member must go ask for help from the LFUCG personnel at the landfill scale house. Kindly ask the landfill employee for help in retrieving the aircraft. If the aircraft goes down on the landfill facility at a time outside the normal landfill business hours, the club member must wait until the landfill reopens on the next business day to contact LFUCG personnel at the scale house.
-- Do not enter the Landfill property with out permission. Any entry upon the landfill facility in violation of the above procedures, shall be deemed a breach of the Agreement which may result in the immediate and permanent loss of the airfield to all club members.
-- Aircraft must be pointed toward the runway when starting or running. No one should stand in front of or to the side of an aircraft when engines are running.
-- Batteries of electric aircraft must not be connected up for flight in the shelter area. Only energize electric aircraft in the starting stand area or pilot's flying position.
--Aircraft may be taxied out of the pit area (toward the runway), but must not be taxied under power toward the pit area or shelter area. Shut down engine on runway before returning to taxiway or pit area.
-- All aircraft, including helicopters, must takeoff and be flown from the asphalt or grass runway – not fly over the pit side of the runway.
-- The centerline of the active runway should be used as the takeoff point for all aircraft. If the active runway is the asphalt runway, it is permissible for helicopters to use the East end of the grass crosswind runway or the U-Control Circle for hovering practice.
-- With the exception of events flown under AMA Competition rules, after launch, except for pilots or helpers being used, no powered model may be flown closer than 25 feet to any person.
-- ABSOLUTELY NO FLYING OVER THE SHELTER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. No flying over the pilots position, starting stands, shelter area or parking lot. Take Offs and Landing are to be done from the active runway. Flying maybe accomplished using the crosswind runway as a reference when wind and/or sun glare is a factor.
-- All pilots are to stand at the pilots flying positions at the double white line when flying if more than one aircraft is active.
-- When more than one aircraft is flying, a right-hand or left-hand pattern (depending on the wind direction) should be agreed too. A spotter is also recommended.
-- Pilots must call out activities to other pilots that include Takeoff, Landing, Dead Stick, and Crossing the runway to retrieve an aircraft. This must be done LOUD enough to alert all Pilots.
-- HIGH SPEED PASSES AND AEROBATICS ARE NOT ALLOWED OVER THE ASPHALT RUNWAY. They should be done at least 100 feet beyond the runway.
-- Low speed passes and “touch and go’s” can be done on and over the runway, but other pilots must be alerted.
1. Federal Aviation Administration
FAA Advisory Circular 91-57A , Model Aircraft Operating Standards,
dated September 2, 2015 Click here to read entire document
This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance to persons operating Unmanned Aircraft (UA) for hobby or recreation purposes meeting the statutory definition of “model aircraft” contained in Section 336 of Public Law 112-95, the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012.
(1) The aircraft is flown strictly for hobby or recreational use
(2) The aircraft operates in accordance with a community-based set of safety guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization (CBO)
(3) The aircraft is limited to not more than 55 pounds, unless otherwise certified through a design, construction, inspection, flight test, and operational safety program administered by a CBO
(4) The aircraft operates in a manner that does not interfere with, and gives way to, any manned aircraft
(5) When flown within 5 miles of an airport, the operator of the model aircraft provides the airport operator or the airport air traffic control tower (when an air traffic facility is located at the airport) with prior notice of the operation. Model aircraft operators flying from a permanent location within 5 miles of an airport should establish a mutually agreed upon operating procedure with the airport operator and the airport air traffic control tower (when an air traffic facility is located at the airport).
(6) Model aircraft operators should follow best practices including limiting operations to 400 feet above ground level (AGL).
2. Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) -- nationwide community-based organization
a. Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code, AMA document #105,
Effective January 1, 2014 Click here to read entire document
b. RC Flying Site Specifications, AMA document #706 Click here to read entire document
dated July 18, 2015 Click here to read entire document
d. Radio Controlled Model Aircraft Operation Utilizing “First Person View” Systems, AMA document #550,
dated January 12, 2014, Click here to read entire document
3. LFUCG Landfill Operation
-- Do not enter the Landfill property with out permission. Any entry upon the landfill facility in violation of the above procedures, shall be deemed a breach of the City Lease Agreement which may result in the immediate and permanent loss of the airfield to all club members.
-- If an aircraft lands on the landfill facility -- Do not jump the fence to get the aircraft. Members must get permission to go on the landfill property. If an aircraft lands or crashes on the landfill facility during landfill business hours, the club member must go ask for help from the LFUCG personnel at the landfill scale house. Kindly ask the landfill employee for help in retrieving the aircraft. If the aircraft goes down on the landfill facility at a time outside the normal landfill business hours, the club member must wait until the landfill reopens on the next business day to contact LFUCG personnel at the scale house.
-- The last person leaving the airfield property must lock the airfield gate for security purposes. The airfield gate is secured with two locks connected with a loop of chain. The Utility company will use the key type pad lock to access the airfield. It is critical that both locks are placed on the loop of chain so that either lock with open the gate.
-- No camping is permitted without pre-arranged permission from LMAC Officers and LFUCG.
-- No open fires are permitted on the property
-- No drinking is permitted on the property
-- No firearms or air weapons shall be permitted on premises
4. Lexington Model Airplane Club (LMAC) -- a community based operation under AMA charter
-- To fly at the Club Airfield, you must be a member of AMA and a member of the Lexington Model Airplane Club.
-- Membership card must be posted on the Airfield Frequency Board before you fly.
-- Non-Members must be accompanied by a club member in order to fly.
-- The last person leaving the airfield property must lock the airfield gate for security purposes. The airfield gate is secured with two locks connected with a loop of chain. The Utility company will use the key type pad lock to access the airfield. It is critical that both locks are placed on the loop of chain so that either lock with open the gate.
-- If an aircraft lands or crashes on the landfill facility -- Do not jump the fence to get the aircraft. Members must get permission to go on the landfill property. If an aircraft lands or crashes on the landfill facility during landfill business hours, the club member must go ask for help from the LFUCG personnel at the landfill scale house. Kindly ask the landfill employee for help in retrieving the aircraft. If the aircraft goes down on the landfill facility at a time outside the normal landfill business hours, the club member must wait until the landfill reopens on the next business day to contact LFUCG personnel at the scale house.
-- Do not enter the Landfill property with out permission. Any entry upon the landfill facility in violation of the above procedures, shall be deemed a breach of the Agreement which may result in the immediate and permanent loss of the airfield to all club members.
-- Aircraft must be pointed toward the runway when starting or running. No one should stand in front of or to the side of an aircraft when engines are running.
-- Batteries of electric aircraft must not be connected up for flight in the shelter area. Only energize electric aircraft in the starting stand area or pilot's flying position.
--Aircraft may be taxied out of the pit area (toward the runway), but must not be taxied under power toward the pit area or shelter area. Shut down engine on runway before returning to taxiway or pit area.
-- All aircraft, including helicopters, must takeoff and be flown from the asphalt or grass runway – not fly over the pit side of the runway.
-- The centerline of the active runway should be used as the takeoff point for all aircraft. If the active runway is the asphalt runway, it is permissible for helicopters to use the East end of the grass crosswind runway or the U-Control Circle for hovering practice.
-- With the exception of events flown under AMA Competition rules, after launch, except for pilots or helpers being used, no powered model may be flown closer than 25 feet to any person.
-- ABSOLUTELY NO FLYING OVER THE SHELTER SIDE OF THE RUNWAY. No flying over the pilots position, starting stands, shelter area or parking lot. Take Offs and Landing are to be done from the active runway. Flying maybe accomplished using the crosswind runway as a reference when wind and/or sun glare is a factor.
-- All pilots are to stand at the pilots flying positions at the double white line when flying if more than one aircraft is active.
-- When more than one aircraft is flying, a right-hand or left-hand pattern (depending on the wind direction) should be agreed too. A spotter is also recommended.
-- Pilots must call out activities to other pilots that include Takeoff, Landing, Dead Stick, and Crossing the runway to retrieve an aircraft. This must be done LOUD enough to alert all Pilots.
-- HIGH SPEED PASSES AND AEROBATICS ARE NOT ALLOWED OVER THE ASPHALT RUNWAY. They should be done at least 100 feet beyond the runway.
-- Low speed passes and “touch and go’s” can be done on and over the runway, but other pilots must be alerted.
Airfield Facilities (see photo below )
LMAC airfield consists of :
-- 50' X 650' Blacktop Runway, -- 60' X 650' Grass Runway, -- 60' X 350' Grass Cross Runway -- 160' Control Line circles (one is blacktop). -- 30’ X 40’ shelter structure with tables and 120vac outlets -- 4 covered pit areas with tables and 120vac outlets -- Portable restroom facilities -- RV electrical hookups - 220vac & 120vac Address for LMAC Field: 4200 Hedger lane, Lexington, KY Coordinates for airfield : N 38.052327, W - 84.293815 |
Directions to Airfield: (see Map below)
Airfield - Local Area Procedures
Directions to Airfield
The Airfield is East of Lexington, KY. From I-75 / I-64 junction, take I-64 East for about 5 miles to Exit 87. Then proceed to airfield per map.